In an effort to drum up some more fun at Dreamforce 2016, we did what any Fortune 500 company would do: We put a GoPro on the head of a fake goat, called it a GoatPro and then walked around the entire convention, asking people to have some fun with it - while we filmed them.
The GoatPro became an instant celebrity. They took selfies with it. They talked to it. They danced for it. They got weird with it. Seriously.
The results were staggering: We gave away 300 limited edition tee shirts because 300 attendees got out of their comfort zones and earned it. The goat’s hour of helping out at (RED) drove the sharpest uptick in donations throughout the entire week. And, most incredibly, we convinced nine attendees to do the Michael Jackson “Thriller” dance in unison.
Each day, we published a blog post and a film about the adventures of the GoatPro throughout the campus. They also appeared on digital boards which gave attendees an idea of where the GoatPro would be - and when.